Qigong Facilitator & Psychotherapist

Sara has been practicing Qigong for more than a decade, and facilitating OpenSky Qigong classes and workshops since 2017. Qigong is a simple health promoting and life affirming practice that is always available to us. Inviting us to slow down, settle into our bodies and practice becoming more aware of our energy, our thoughts & emotions through moving meditations, visualisation, breath and intention.

She has recently completed training as a Soul Centered Psychotherapist and work with people to develop a more conscious, manageable and creative relationship with their own internal processes. By continually bringing awareness back to the body we gain much information and together, can gently lean into the lived experience of life.

Moving only as fast as the slowest part of you Qigong and Psychotherapy create space for compassion and great change.

Contact Sara at or 0414 551 896